C O M P E T I T I O N| 比赛
The goal of the Elite Cup Competition is to facilitate international multicultural development, to promote different ethnicities, to advance multicultural art exchange, and to display the interactivity of different countries’ art education.
It allows artists from China to perform with other artists around the world and helps promote China-Canada cultural exchange.
This competition includes vocal music, instrumental music, dancing, calligraphy, painting, opera, recitation, film and television performances, and martial arts.
This competition is organized by Canada YC Chinese Orchestra Association and supported by City of Richmond . Cooperation units include Canada YC Music Academy.
比赛内容包含: 中国民族器乐(独奏,重奏),钢琴、钢琴四手联弹,小提琴,中提琴,大提琴,古典室内乐,声乐(独唱,重唱)。